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The Conscious Crystal Collective
The Conscious Crystal Collective is an online crystal shop offering a large collection of ethically sourced crystals. They offer a wide range of mesmerising crystals which includes crystal clusters, crystal geodes, crystal points, crystal spheres, crystal hearts, palm stones and tumbled stones – providing a fantastic mix of both order volume and excellent commission values!
They have also started offering an ever-expanding range of instantly downloadable digital products too [e.g. meditations] which are now included on your commissions too.
What are the benefits for you?
• 7%%%% commission on all product sales
• 30 day cookie period
• £39 average order value + increasing all the time!
• Product feed available
• A superb range of banner creatives
• Regular sitewide promotions, discounts & product offers
• Regular affiliate incentives
• Commitment to building strong affiliate relationships
• Commitment to CRO to improve site conversion
• Diverse, high quality product range
• Downloadable digital product range – customers waive cooling off period to instantly receive
• Free delivery on orders over £40
• 30 days hassle-free returns – not that they ever do!
• 0%%%% finance available via Klarna – perfect for converting high-value statement pieces worth £100s!
• Product videos on high-value statement pieces to improve conversion
Join The Conscious Crystal Collective Program Today
Align yourself with an eCommerce brand that literally sparkles in style and join The Conscious Crystal Collective affiliate program today.
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