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CJ Wildlife are Europe’s largest wild bird food supplier and specialise in offering products, services and advice to help bring people and wildlife closer together. With interest in the natural world on the increase, so is the demand for high quality products that help people care for their local wildlife. Established on a rural farm in Shropshire, the company was founded by a dedicated, lifelong ornithologist Chris Whittles and all foods and products are carefully developed and researched to ensure they meet the needs of garden birds and other garden wildlife.
CJ Wildlife stock a wide selection of high quality foods, feeders, nest boxes, water dishes, books, binoculars and multi-media items to help people learn how to care for the wildlife around them and bring more wild birds into their garden. The range has been developed to cater for all budgets and all types and size of garden. CJ Wildlife offer a next day delivery service throughout most of the UK as well as free delivery on orders over £50, and are proud of their excellent service record.