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Express Thresholds
Express Thresholds is a supplier of top quality door thresholds to improve both the functionality and looks of any room. Our range of products includes aluminium, wood-effect and UPVC door thresholds for carpet, tile and laminate flooring. The products are designed to give smooth transitions between different floors and different floor levels while looking great.
Founded with a mission to provide products that meet the highest standards of quality and durability. Our commitment to innovation is evident in our selection of unique designs which are easy to fit and long lasting. Our UPVC and aluminium door trims for example have moisture barriers and noise reduction features for both practical benefits and stylish finishes for residential and commercial use.
Working with Express Thresholds gives you an opportunity. As a tech first company we are small enough to be agile and responsive to market trends. With thousands of SKUs we have a broad product range but are able to adapt quickly to new opportunities and requests for marketing materials. This allows us to support our affiliates efficiently so they have everything they need to succeed.