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Froothie’s adventure started more than 8 years ago, with a small Australian company promoting and supplying healthy fruits, vegetables and equipments to Vegan cafes and juice bars in Australia, encouraging them to promote healthier drinks called ‘’Froothie’’ – playing on the ‘’Smoothie’’ name.
From there quickly this small idea developed into an obsession on promoting healthy eating and living in general.
Today, Froothie is now present in 40 countries and our mission in Froothie UK & Ireland Ltd is simple and clear: Helping people lead a healthier life style whilst promoting our exclusive ranges in the UK & Ireland. Our warehouse is based in Grimsby and our registered office in Cranleigh.
We share our knowledge and information for healthy living through Workshops, YouTube Videos, Our New Blog, Various Media Outlets and Strategic Partners across the UK, like the Vegan Society, Advance Nutrition Ltd, Raw Living, Natural Juice Junkie, Tinned Tomatoes, Cotswolds Juice Retreat and many more Food & Health Experts and we are proud that all the 55 range department store cafes across the UK use our blenders on daily bases.
In total our strategic partnership extends to hundreds of partners/friends of Froothie, sharing together one obsession: promoting healthy living.
To our existing and new customers we promise to offer the best service possible and we are proud of the way we go to market as we offer our customers 0% finance in order to help spread the purchase at zero cost, next day free delivery, 30 days free return no questions asked and an extensive warranty for up to 10 years on majority of our products. You can easily reach us via our 24 hours non stop phone line or through contact us on this website or by texting 07918527914.