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Join the global leader in innovative cookware. We have a portfolio of 13 strong brands, with GreenPan being the best known in the UK. This brand is now available for affiliate marketing. The big advantage for the publisher is that Greenpan already has a high name recognition and are distinctive in quality and in health for people and the environment.
Our products are competitive in price because we produce them ourselves and we have monthly promotions that fit the season to generate extra sales.
USP’s products
• Will not stick – ceramic non-stick coating
• Without harmful substances – free from PFAS
• Better for the environment
• Dishwasher safe
USP’s program
• High brand awareness
• Market leader in quality
• Competitive prices with regular discounts
• Shipping within 1 business day
• Excellent Shipping/Returns Policy
All conversions realized for The Cookware Company are sales conversions and are charged on a sale basis. A sale speaks for itself and is rewarded as soon as a customer completes a purchase and has made the payment.
• 7% commission
Reason for rejection
• Fraud (bots, spam, etc.)
• Fake data
• Cancellation of the product