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Axel Hotels

axel hotels Welcome to the Axel Hotels Affiliate Programme

Axel Hotels is a leading LGTBIQ+ hotel chain, but it is more than just accommodation; it is an inclusive, non-judgmental space where diversity is celebrated and anyone, regardless of sexual orientation, is welcome, valued and respected. With hotels located in vibrant destinations such as Miami, Barcelona, Canary Islands, Ibiza, Berlin and Havana, Axel Hotels offers a unique and enriching experience for all its guests.

Why promote Axel Hotels?
1. Diversity and Inclusion:
Axel Hotels is known for its inclusive and respectful environment, attracting a diverse audience looking for a safe and welcoming space. To promote Axel Hotels is to partner with a brand that supports and celebrates diversity in all its forms.

2. Exceptional Destinations:
Hotels are located in some of the world's most sought-after destinations, from the vibrant nightlife of Miami and Barcelona to the paradisiacal beaches of Ibiza and the Canaries, to the rich culture of Berlin and Havana.

3. Exclusive Programme:
The affiliate programme is managed exclusively by Affilired, offering attractive commissions on generated and validated bookings and ongoing support to maximise the return on our affiliates' efforts.

Benefits of the Affiliate Programme
- Competitive Commissions: Generate revenue with every confirmed booking.
- Exclusive Target: LGTBIQ
- Promotional Tools: Access to banners, links, and exclusive promotional content and codes.
- Dedicated Support: Affilired's team will help you leverage this campaign.

Join the Axel Hotels affiliate programme and monetise your website while promoting inclusion, diversity and hospitality excellence.