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- Travel and holidays is the only online shop where you can order XXL canvases. They have a photo library with over 4000 high resolution photos! Or you can even upload your own photo. The canvases are water resistant, so you can even use them in the bathroom as decoration. Not only does print on a canvas, they also have dibond, plexiglass, self-adhesive material and satin/pearl paper.
The advantages of at a glance:
- available made-to-measure
- water resistant
- available up to 300 x170 centimeters stretched on a frame (the biggest size of England)
- available up to 10x4 meters (only canvas)
- photo library with over 4000 high resolution photos
- possible to upload your own photo
- suitable to use in bath room
- multiple printing options available (canvas, dibond, plexiglass, …)