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- Travel and holidays stocks a wider range of baby monitors than any other supplier in the UK.
Customers visiting the online store will find baby monitors categorised for easy selection. The huge range includes digital audio and video baby monitors from all the leading manufacturers, including baby monitors that operate by Bluetooth connection to mobile phones and network IP cameras allowing parents to monitor their baby's nursery from any location. was formed in 2006 specifically to offer a specialist service for parents looking for the best baby monitors. With rapidly improving technology being applied to baby monitors, the website offers customers a complete advisory service including extremely popular Live Chat that allows customers to discuss monitors before buying. Another useful feature is baby monitor bundles, where the company combines the most popular baby monitor combinations and offers discounts on the combined prices.
The company generally ships orders for delivery next day and European orders are normally delivered in 2-3 days.
Successful affiliates that are able to motivate additional sales are invited to negotiate special arrangements with the company and productive voucher codes affiliates will be issued with unique promotional codes. The company will not pay sales commission on promotional codes that were not issued to claimants.
The brand is widely trusted, featuring Page 1 search engine rankings and over 96% independently measured customer satisfaction rating.