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Flow Kayaks
Flow Kayaks are specialist canoeing, kayaking and paddle sports retailers, based in Nottingham UK and established in 2018. Flow Kayaks started as a B2B company, distributing kayaks around the UK. In 2021, they moved to a mostly B2C model. Flow Kayaks have over 30 years combined experience of paddle sports and pride themselves in their expert advice and selected market leading brands and products. Customers of Flow Kayaks can shop online at with nationwide delivery or visit the showroom in person in the centre of Nottingham. Flow Kayaks only sell trusted brands and products which are tried and tested in the market, ensuring high customer satisfaction in their purchases and high likelihood of return business. Due to the small number of paddle sports shops in the UK, Flow Kayaks are quickly gaining market share and are looking to expand their growth through affiliate marketing. Many products at Flow Kayaks are also suitable for generic watersports enthusiasts, helping to reach a large target audience. Working with Flow Kayaks will help to generate growth, allowing Flow Kayaks to increase their inventory. This will reach a wider audience and increase sales, resulting in scalability of our affiliate program.