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Sophie Says
Imagine a world where children grow up never doubting whether they’re included, are upset at being different, or anxious about feeling unhappy or out of sorts. That’s the world author Esther Marshall is trying to build with her groundbreaking series of children’s books, Sophie Says, following the lives and adventures of a group of children called Sophie, Jamie, Jordyn, Priya and Drew.
Sophie says has a clear goal and purpose to make life’s most important lessons fun to learn. Life is getting increasingly complex, not just for adults, but especially for children as they learn the key communication and social skills in life. From the interactions they have in the playgrounds and classroom to the language, themes and stories they consume within books, on TV or via the internet, today's child has so much to absorb and understand.
Born out of a desire to help the children of today form the best society of tomorrow, Sophie Says is a brand with a mission and purpose. With Sophie Says, Esther wants to enable all children to grow up feeling equipped and empowered to face their futures, to learn and be more aware about themselves, others and the world around them. Through the Sophie Says beautifully crafted books, games and workshops, the brand can help children bypass harmful stereotypes before they set in, teaching children positive messages and changing the narrative across all children’s content. Children want to see characters like themselves in the books they read now and the Sophie Says brand supports children, parents and educators in this challenge.