- Animals
- Art and living
- Baby & kids
- Boats and watercraft
- Books, papers and magazines
- Cars, motorcycles and bikes
- Department stores
- Domain names and hosting
- Employment, education and career
- Entertainment and leisure
- Fashion and jewellery
- Financial products
- Food and beverages
- Free services and prize contests
- Games and fun
- Gifts and gadgets
- Hard and software
- Health and beauty
- Hobby and leisure time
- Home and garden
- Household appliances
- Lottery and gaming
- Music, video and DVD
- Office
- Other
- Professional services
- Sport and recreation
- Telecommunication
- Toys
- Travel and holidays
Ali Express
Ali Express, part of the Alibaba group from China has increased massively the last couple of years to become one of the largest E-commerce companies in the world.
Offering more than 6,000 different categories they have grown to become a significant e-commerce platform.
They have a great selection of products ranging from electronics, fashion, toys, jewellery and much more!
Ali Express work in a similar way to Ebay, allowing users to sell products themselves.
The site is rapidly growing with loads of offers being added daily.