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BLUETTI is so much more than just a brand name; it is a way of life, a design philosophy, our hope for a better earth, a blue sky, and much more.
From a single idea - a portable, powerful source of electricity - we've built out a whole line up of solar power storage products for adventurers and all kinds of off-grid lives. Along the way, some core values that unite the entire BLUETTI community have defined everything we do.
We value resourcefulness, seeking adventure, and living free in any way we want. We believe that the personal power storage products are the 21st century equivalent of swords: tools that everyone can wield and get Energy Independence with. Consequently, we build products to ensure that your power is there whenever and wherever you need it.
5%~8% commission per sale (Increased rates are available upon negotiation).
Promotion cookie can exist for 30 days.
Exclusive coupons, stunning banners and product feed are constantly provided and updated.
Open to all affiliate types.
Huge customers base due to our reliable goods.
Welcome to the BLUETTI Affiliate Program! We are excited to have you become a partner of our very successful program.
Should you have any questions about our program or require any assistance, please feel free to contact us.