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Bazaar London
Bazaar London showcases bespoke luxury furniture originally designed for some of the world's most exclusive addresses by Accouter Group, a London based interior design collective. Bazaar London brings together a team of talented designers creating one-of-a-kind customisable pieces.
Working with the Bazaar London offers high earning potential with RRP’s starting from £175 for Accessories up to nearly £27,000 for a modular sofa. They have a 90-day cookie window and position-based attribution model to allow for the longer customer consideration period.
Bazaar London are offering an exclusive free delivery code as an introductory offer for approved Tradetracker affiliates.
• One-of-a-kind fully customisable designer furniture.
• Exclusive access to furniture previously only available to interior design professionals.
• Handcrafted in Britain.
• Strong sustainability credentials, B Corp certified.
• High earning potential, 7% commission and high RRP’s.
• Position-based attribution model to reward affiliates that introduce shoppers to Bazaar London and help convert them.
• 90-day cookie window to allow for longer consideration periods.