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Express Nosings
Express Stair Nosings is dedicated to stair safety and design. Our full product range includes flexible, commercial, illuminated and wood-effect stair nosings. These products are designed to improve stair safety and looks for residential and commercial use.
Based in West Wales Express Stair Nosings work with top suppliers to ensure every product meets the highest quality standards. Our flexible stair nosings are a unique feature, designed to fit curved or irregular shaped stairs, our illuminated options add a modern touch with integrated lighting for extra visibility and safety.
Affiliates working with Express Stair Nosings will benefit from our innovation and quality. Our small tech driven team gives us the agility to respond quickly to market changes and affiliate needs. With thousands of SKUs we have depth and variety without sacrificing our ability to deliver marketing support and materials on demand. This means our affiliates can maximise their potential with timely and effective strategies.