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Nubia UK
Who is nubia?
Founded in October 2012, nubia aims to bring high-end innovative smartphones to adventurous users who want to pursue new experiences and an enhanced quality of life. Inspiring the world to “Be Yourself,” nubia continues to elevate lifestyles by encouraging users to chase their dreams and pursue new passions.
nubia is committing to provide unique and innovative technology, products and services to consumers who crave joy of adventures and discoveries. Ushering a new era for user interaction, nubia introduced the world’s first bezel-less design, FiT (Frame interactive Technology) and TiO (Three-in-One) fingerprint recognition feature.
Specializing in professional mobile photography, nubia offers consumers with highly advanced DSLR camera functions. Now, anyone is capable of shooting high quality photographs of light paintings, star trails and time lapses with nubia smartphone.
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