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Chess Sets UK is a dedicated chess specialist website with unbeatable prices. A new website that is part of the JDS group companies that has been designed to 2011 standards with high conversions in mind. The website has undergone conversion usability testing, is fast, efficient and easy to use and navigate with a high number of product specific landing pages as top level categories. All the major brand names are stocked and warehoused in the UK for immediate dispatch. The chess sets UK affiliate program represents a great opportunity to earn good commission from this high converting website. Peak selling seasons are Christmas and fathers day. Free shipping, express delivery options and excellent prices draw our customers to buy from this site. Products range from £8 to £100s and cater for all tastes.
The affiliate commission rate is lower than average due to the extremely competitive pricing policy on the site. You can expect to convert more traffic thus still making this a great opportunity for affiliates.
There is a permanent discount code available for their affiliates - 5CHESSBARGAINS, which gives 5% off all orders