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- Gifts and gadgets
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- Hobby and leisure time
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- Travel and holidays
Anantara Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa is one of the leading hotel groups in Asia. Affiliates willing to join this program will be able to promote luxury resorts spread throughout the world in cosmopolitan cities, lush islands, desert sands, heritage destinations, uncharted beaches and contemporary resort destinations. The current portfolio includes high demanded tourist destinations, such as Vietnam, Indonesia, Maldives, Malaysia, Mauritius, Sri Lanka or Thailand among many others. All the properties offer world-class services and have been designed to offer extraordinary experiences for their guests.
Why promote Anantara Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa?
• Up to 3% commission.
• The brand belongs to Minor Hotel Group, a leading hotel management company in Asia.
• Target: Luxury Travellers
• Interesting basket average.
• Best quality promotional materials: Banners, Offers, voucher codes, text link etc.