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6 reasons for setting up an Exclusive TradeTracker’s Voucher Code Campaign

TradeTracker’s newly released Exclusive Voucher Code feature opens up a world of new Affiliate Marketing possibilities. A world in which you can track and reward through voucher codes that are exclusive to your one specific affiliate of choice. A world in which you can expand your Affiliate Marketing strategies to offline platforms, where you can shift away from CPM tariffs, towards performance-based models and where you can increase your sales through this new gate of possibilities.

If you have not yet been convinced of what TradeTracker’s Exclusive Voucher Codes can mean for your campaign, make sure to read the following 6 reasons as to why you should start setting up your voucher code campaign today.

1. Reward those assigned by you
You get to pick which affiliate you assign to a certain voucher code exclusively, which means that you have the guarantee that it will be that specific affiliate of your choice that gets rewarded when the voucher code is redeemed.

2. Keep your code where it belongs
The functionality of accurately tracking voucher codes is the optimal way of preventing widespread sharing of the campaigns, discounts and codes that are set up.

3. From online to offline Affiliate Marketing
Affiliates that are assigned by you to use a specific voucher code will now be able to spread the word offline through (local) media such as: newspapers, bus stops, sports clubs, flyers and more. These activities will be measured online and rewarded accordingly.

4. Taking performance-based rewarding to another level
The ability to now set up offline Affiliate Marketing channels provides you with the opportunity to pay off high-profile media partners on a performance-based level.

5. Fair Share Rewarding
The exclusive Voucher Code campaign can be perfectly integrated into your conversion path, based on Real Attribution. This means that you can (choose to) reward several touchpoints for their attributed value.

6. Merchant meets influencer
TradeTracker’s Exclusive Voucher Code feature makes it possible for you to work together with influencer affiliates of your choice. This offers an ideal way of a closed collaboration with an influencer that will be rewarded accordingly. Even when the code is shared throughout the social media platform.

All in all, TradeTracker’s Exclusive Voucher Code opens up a new world of possibilities for your online and offline Affiliate Marketing stragies. Get in contact with your Account Manager and get started today!


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