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Flixbus DK

flixbus dk Flixbus work to a Customer Lifetime Value attribution model.

What is Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) Attribution?
The Customer Lifetime Value attribution is an attribution model that rewards each channel which contributes to a conversion and keeps rewarding these channels across the full customer journey (future sales). This model differs from mono-attributive models (first-click or last-click) which rewards only 1 channel regardless of the intervention of additional channels to a sale.

To find further information regarding the Flixbus Attribution model please click here.

For specific questions regarding FlixBus and their attribution model, you can contact us at affiliatepartner@flixbus.com.

FlixBus-kampagnen har til formål at generere billetsalg for alle nationale og internationale ruter, der er tilgængelige i netværket. Affiliates vil blive informeret om de seneste tilbud og kan bruge forskellige værktøjer, såsom bannere, tekstlinks og DEM-annoncer til at fremme de nyeste FlixBus-tilbud. FlixBus-teamet er behjælpelige med at give supplerende information til indholdsgenerering, diskutere særlige kampagner og kommunikere de seneste nyheder og tilbud.

Har du spørgsmål/forespørgsler?
E-mail: info.dk@tradetracker.com