Vi er globale

TradeTracker har en internationalt tilstedeværelse og vi kender bedre end nogen internettet's evne til at krydse grænser og gøre nationale grænser irrelevante.

Vores globale tilstedeværelse hjælper os med at forbliver tilgængelige og relevante for de enkelte nationale markeder, samtidig med at åbne et netværk af potentielle internationale samarbejdspartnere.

En ambition om at vokse har ført til vores tilstedeværelse i over 19 orskellige lande, mens vi hele tiden lægge planer for vores næste store projekt.


Forstå det grundlæggende ved at starte en kampagne. Her finder du et informationscentrum med det mål at tilvejebringe en kort introduktion til affiliate marketing og TradeTrackers’ platform.

For Publishers

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    Hvordan får jeg en TradeTracker konto?

    Tilmelding til en publisher-konto er gratis. Når du er tilmeldt, vil dit websted blive vurderet af en af vores publisher managers til godkendelse; når du er blevet godkendt, kan du begynde at fremme dit valg af annoncører med det samme. Kom i gang nu og opret en publisher-konto.

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    Hvordan kommer jeg i gang med at gøre mit indhold til penge?

    Vores affiliate marketing platforme giver dig værktøjerne til at placere indhold fra velkendte brands på dit website. Platformen giver dig mulighed for at overvåge performancen og effektiviteten af de implementerede reklamematerialer i detaljer med omfattende rapportfunktioner, der giver dig mulighed for at reagere og yderligere optimere din online indsats.

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    Hvor ofte bliver jeg betalt?

    Vi ved, at for at have og vedligeholde et førsteklasses website har man brug for økonomisk støtte. Derfor vil TradeTracker udbetale din kommission op til 4 gange om måneden. Det er endda muligt at ansøge om vores Super Fast Payment løsning, som gør kommissioner betalbare i løbet af timer efter godkendelse af transaktioner.
    Som affiliate har du den fulde kontrol over dine betalinger, og du kan ændre din udbetalingsfrekvens, når som helst du ønsker det.
    Når du har sat dine udbetalinger til månedligt, generes din betalingsmeddelelse den 1. i hver måned.
    To gange om måneden
    Når du sætter udbetaling til to gange om måneden, vil du få en betalingsmeddelelse den 7. og den 21. i hver måned.
    Fire gange om måneden
    Når du sætter udbetaling til fire gange om måneden, vil du få en betalingsmeddelelse den 7., den 14., den 21. og den 28. i hver måned.
    Hvis du har brug for det, kan du sætte udbetalinger på pause ved at aktivere “On-hold” muligheden. Du kan også øge minimumsudbetalingsbeløbet for at drosle overførsler.
    Betalinger vil ske kort efter generering af betalingsmeddelelser og kan enten bekvemt ske via PayPal eller ved bankoverførsel.

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    Hvad er Super Fast Payment?

    Sammen med betalingsfrekvensen på op til fire gange om måneden, kan du også være egnet til vores unikke “Super Fast Payment” procedure, som gør kommissioner betalbare i løbet af timer efter godkendelse af transaktioner. Du kan diskutere denne funktion nærmere med din account manager.

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    Hvordan ansøger jeg om flere lande?

    Hvis du er interesseret i at køre annoncører på dit websted fra flere lande, kan du tilføje dit websted til et andet TradeTracker område fra din affiliate grænseflade. Du skal blot gå til Account -> My sites og klikke på linket “Add new site”. Derefter kan du vælge det yderligere område, du ønsker at bruge til dit websted.
    Når din ansøgning er blevet godkendt, kan du styre dine aktiviteter for dette område ved at vælge det fra lande-rullemenuen øverst på grænsefladen.

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    Har jeg mulighed for at skræddersy min tracking?

    Ja, det har du! Udover vores avancerede teknologier til registrering af konverteringer, har vi yderligere funktioner, der kan skræddersys, som du kan konfigurere. Du kan for eksempel tilknytte en unik reference (eller subid) til dit link, eller tilvejebringe en call-back placering fra grænsefladen, så konverteringer bliver videresendt til din egen statistikserver. Det er endda muligt at anmode om at placere en tredjeparts tracking-tag.

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    Har I en API til rådighed?

    Ja, det har vi! Application programming interface (API eller Web-services) giver dig mulighed for at få adgang til funktioner og informationer, der er tilgængelige i softwaren ved at tilvejebringe programmeringsadgang til data i din konto. Nogle grundlæggende API-funktioner omfatter: Hente kontooplysninger, kampagneoplysninger, transaktionsoplysninger, produktfeeddata, betalingsoplysninger, markedsføringsmateriale eller en kombination af disse ting ved blandt andet at generere avancerede brugertilpassede rapporter eller give dig mulighed for at få forbindelse til din egen statistiksoftware.
    Vores webservice er baseret på SOAP-protokollen. Denne protokol er en specifikation til udveksling af struktureret information gennem webservices. Der kan nemt anmodes om adgang til vores API inde fra din konto.

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    Hvilke creatives tilbydes?

    Du kan vælge blandt en lang række creatives, der skal placeres på dit websted, som f.eks. tekstlinks, bannere, produktfeeds, widgets og værdibevis/rabatkoder. Vedrørende bannere, kan du opsætte en rotator, der vil optimere sig selv automatisk på grundlag af den nøglemetrik, du leverer, som f.eks. EPC.

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    Som affiliate får du adgang til TradeTracker Page Tools. Disse værktøjssæt vil give dig mulighed for hurtigt at styre indhold på dine websteder fra TradeTracker grænsefladen.
    Du kan blot skifte synligheden af funktioner som f.eks. widgets (sammenligningsværktøjer) og vores Link Replacer, som er det perfekte værktøj til automatisk generering af udgående tracking links til annoncører.

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    Hvad er widgets?

    Widgets er moduler, der indeholder dynamisk genereret indhold, som kan føjes til dit website ved at placere et enkelt kodestykke. Resultatet er en avanceret rejsesøgemaskine, eller et værktøj, hvor modeemner kan sammenlignes.
    Alle disse widgets kan styres fra Page Tools afsnittet i affiliate grænsefladen.

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    Kan jeg få mere hjælp?

    Selvfølgelig! Ved at sigte efter at levere den bedste affiliate softwaregrænseflade, der fås i dag. Da vi fokuserede på brugervenlighed, skabte vi noget, der hjælper vores kunder til at undgå forvirring. I et hurtigt skiftende miljø som internettet vil der imidlertid uundgåeligt komme spørgsmål op. Heldigvis er der et team af dygtige brancheprofessionelle til rådighed til at hjælpe dig, når du kører fast. Hvis du har yderligere spørgsmål, kan du sende en e-mail til:

For Annoncører

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    Hvordan får jeg en TradeTracker konto?

    Tal med en af vores dedikerede salgsrepræsentanter for at få fremhævet de talrige muligheder, der er, for at få din kampagne op at køre med vores netværk. Ikke fortrolig med affiliate marketing endnu? Det er ikke noget problem! Du vil blive guidet gennem det grundlæggende og fordelene ved at køre en performance baseret kampagne med TradeTracker.

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    Hvordan kommer jeg i gang, når jeg har min TradeTracker konto?

    Uanset om du er en erfaren professionel eller en begynder, vil din account manager altid vejlede dig under opstartsprocessen. Med en række kommissionsmodeller, du kan vælge blandt (CPS, CPL, CPC, CPM og flere) samt muligheder for at indbygge en tilgængelig hybridmodel, handler det hele om den korrekte blanding af tilgange, så dine affiliate websites har valg, når de implementerer en kampagne.
    Ingen gevinst, ingen betaling
    At vælge den rette kommissionsmodel er nøglen til at tiltrække de bedste publishers til at fremme din kampagne. Når du er kommet i gang, vil din account manager bruge de rette kommunikationskanaler til at informere publisherne om din kampagne. At holde dine creatives – herunder produktfeeds og tilbud – opdateret vil væsentligt forbedre dine resultater.
    Ingen økonomiske problemer
    Vi tager hånd om fakturering og betalinger til dine affiliates, så du kan bruge din tid på at skræddersy kampagner og opbygge forhold til publisherne.

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    Er softwaren nem at bruge og skalerbar?

    Vores software er fuldt skalerbar, hvilket betyder, at annoncører nemt kan tilføje et fuldt produktkatalog med millioner af produkter og gøre dem tilgængelige for tusindvis af affiliates. Der er talrige muligheder med din account manager til at vejlede dig under processen og tilgængelig til at råde dig til den bedste tilgang til din online kampagne og website.
    Det er også muligt at få overblik over de mange markedsføringsmetoder samtidigt inde fra TradeTracker grænsefladen. Hvis du har brug for mere, og der er udvikling i dit blod, leverer vi også et komplet API-system til at kommunikere med vores platform.

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    Hvordan starter jeg min kampagne i flere lande?

    At få din kampagne til at køre i flere lande, er lige så nemt som at kontakte din account manager hos TradeTracker, som vil forberede alle de fornødenheder, der kræves for at få dig op at køre. Din account manager vil tage sig af de indledende trin med at kontakte de individuelle lande vedrørende implementering.
    Du kan vælge, om du vil have et centralt kontaktpunkt, eller arbejde med individuelle account managere i hvert land, hvilket kan være nyttigt, hvis du har flere ansatte, der tager sig af regionale marketingaktiviteter. Uanset hvad du vælger, kan dine kampagner styres fra én enkelt grænseflade, hvilket giver dig mulighed for ikke at skulle have flere logins til separate territorier.

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    Hvilken rapportering tilbydes der, og er det i realtid?

    At kunne se nøjagtigt hvilken side eller kampagne, der er mest effektiv, er nøglen til at udtrække den bedste performance. Omfattende realtids-rapporter er derfor tilgængelige inde på din konto. Der er enkle tal som f.eks. klik, leads, konverteringer, til mere avancerede oplysninger fra eCPC, EPC, CSR og CLR ved dine fingerspidser.
    Disse rapporter giver dig detaljerede oplysninger om performancen af de kampagner, du kører, på forskellige niveauer. Du kan endda udvide eller fuldt skræddersy rapporter og gemme dem til fremtidig brug.

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    Hvad er forudbetaling, og hvorfor skulle jeg bruge det?

    Forudbetaling giver dig mulighed for at betale et bestemt beløb forud, hvilket bruges til at markere dine fakturaer, der indeholder affiliate kommissioner, som “betalte”, straks efter at fakturaen er blevet genereret. Dette sikrer hurtige udbetalinger til affiliates, hvilket betyder, at de bliver glade og gerne vil geninvestere i din kampagne, i modsætning til dine konkurrenter, som måske ikke tilbyder dette.

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    Hvad er produktfeeds, og hvorfor er de så vigtige?

    Produktfeeds (også kaldes datafeeds) er en eksport af dine lagerførte produkter. De genereres ofte i XML- eller CSV-format og kan nemt bruges på TradeTracker platformen. Vi understøtter en lang række forskellige eksisterende feed-typer som f.eks. Google Shopping.
    Et produktfeed er et kraftigt anbefalet, brugervenligt og lav-vedligeholdelsesværktøj, så affiliates kan generere flere konverteringer, efterhånden som besøgende omdirigeres til den dedikerede produktside, de er interesseret i.

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    Bør jeg tilbyde mine affiliates mange forskellige tekstlinks?

    Vores erfaring siger, at tekstlinks har den højeste konverteringsrate, sammenlignet med andre reklamematerialer, da de nemt kan indføres i indholdet.
    Tekstlinks kan nemt bruges af affiliates, når de skriver en produktomtale eller blogpost. Affiliates kan tilføje et enkelt link til det tilsvarende produkt/service som et hyperlink i deres omtale eller artikel.

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    Kan jeg dele mine rabatkoder?

    Udover generelle markedsføringsmaterialemuligheder kan du også hurtigt tilføje værdibevis (rabat) koder og forbrugertilbud inde fra grænsefladen. Generelle rabatkoder kan booste din kampagne væsentligt, især lige efter opstart. Hvis du endnu ikke har værdibeviskoder at dele, kan du også tilføje forbrugertilbud som creatives, da disse er en perfekt måde for affiliates at fremme dit brand med ekstra tilbud som f.eks. “gratis forsendelse”.

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    Kan jeg tilbyde mine affiliates avancerede HTML-materialer?

    Absolut! HTML-materialer giver dig mulighed for at skabe mere dynamiske reklamer som f.eks. dynamisk produktindhold og søgefelter. HTML-reklamer er i stigende grad populære på grund af deres fleksibilitet og stil-muligheder.
    Brugen af HTML-søgefelter giver de besøgende mulighed for at udføre en søgning direkte fra affiliate-siden. Når den besøgende har trykket på søgeknappen, bliver vedkommende omdirigeret til søgeresultatsiden på en annoncørs website.

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    Så jeg kan stadig tilbyde bannere?

    Selv om bannere generelt ikke genererer en lignende mængde klik i samme mængde som tekstlinks, tilføjer de absolut en værdi. Vi lever i dag i et visuelt domineret samfund, og dette gælder for både affiliates og deres besøgende, så det er nøglen til at sikre, at dit brand og dine produkter bliver æstetisk repræsenteret. Efter vores erfaring vil det at blande de to muligheder øge sandsynligheden for, at det fører til et klik.
    Affiliates, der reklamerer for dig ved yderligere at bruge bannere, hjælper dig med at øge din branding position. Vi anbefaler at opdatere eller forny bannermaterialet regelmæssigt og linke til bestemte sidekategorier eller produktspecifikke sider, da det har tendens til at øge konverteringsforholdet.

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    Har I en API til rådighed?

    Ja, det har vi! Application programming interface (API eller Web-services) giver dig mulighed for at få adgang til funktioner og informationer, der er tilgængelige i softwaren ved at give programmeringsadgang til data i din konto. Nogle grundlæggende API-funktioner omfatter: Hente kontooplysninger, kampagneoplysninger, transaktionsoplysninger, produktfeeddata, betalingsoplysninger, markedsføringsmateriale eller en kombination af disse ting ved blandt andet at generere avancerede brugertilpassede rapporter eller give dig mulighed for at få forbindelse til din egen statistiksoftware.
    Vores webservice er baseret på SOAP-protokollen. Denne protokol er en specifikation til udveksling af struktureret information gennem webservices. Der kan nemt anmodes om adgang til vores API inde fra din konto.

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    Kan jeg få mere hjælp?

    Selvfølgelig! Med de værktøjer, TradeTracker tilvejebringer, kan du med lethed optimere dine online kampagner. Det er imidlertid nyttigt at være i regelmæssig kontakt med din account manager som har et kyndigt kendskab til det at få det bedste ud af din tilstedeværelse. Han eller hun vil optimere dit samarbejde med dine publishers, så der sikres fortjeneste til begge parter. Vores account managere vil kontakte dig regelmæssigt, eller du kan blot kontakte dem. Oplysninger om din account manager kan du finde på dit grænseflade-dashboard. Du kan også sende en e-mail til:


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    Why does TradeTracker position itself as a Data Controller?

    In the first instance, TradeTracker determines what information to track, and how to track it, and based on which technology. TradeTracker then informs the advertiser on the measures to be implemented to be able to make use of the services of the network, and under which economic model these services are carried out.

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    TradeTracker has determined ‘legitimate interest’ to be the basis for its tracking activities, to process certain personal data. What grounds of the balancing test have been used to substantiate this?

    It is based on the outcome of the balancing test and the principle that the data used in the course of executing the tracking activities are based on data which carries a very low risk of negative impact on the data subject’s interest and will not result in a high risk to individuals being tracked.

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    As an affiliate, am I a data controller or data processor?

    Affiliates are a data controller when they provide for a newsletter subscription or otherwise have a (contracted) relationship with visitors – being their customers.

    Whether one is controller or processor depends on the relevant party. It is important to understand the position of the party, as defined in the GDPR. A data controller is the entity which determines the purpose and manner for which data is processed, either by itself or alongside others. This means that the data controller determines ‘why’ data is processed.

    The data processor, on the other hand, does not make decisions as to why the data should be processed. However, it can make some limited decisions about ‘how’ the data should be processed. This means, for example, a data processor may make decisions about the type of software used in the processing, but it may not make decisions about the essential elements of the processing. A key essential element of processing is which personal data to process. Therefore, if a data processor, while assisting the data controller in achieving its purposes, decides what data should be processed to achieve those aims, it will most likely become a data controller jointly with the first controller.

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    Under what legal basis does the merchant or affiliate process personal information?

    This is up to each party to determine. TradeTracker processes personal data as a Data Controller with regards to the tracking of transactions under article 6.1 (f) – legitimate interest. Under Article 6.1 of the GDPR, processing shall be lawful only if and to the extent that at least one of the following applies:

    • (a) the data subject has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes;
    • (b) processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract;
    • (c) processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject;
    • (d) processing is necessary in order to protect the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person;
    • (e) processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller;
    • (f) processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require protection of personal data, in particular where the data subject is a child.

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    A merchant still wants TradeTracker to sign a Data Processing Agreement (DPA). Will we sign them?

    No, we will not sign a data processing agreement, but instead an arrangement. Both the merchant and TradeTracker are Data Controller, making us Joint Controllers. Also, certain information will remain in the TradeTracker system even after the contractual obligations are completed, for the sake of reporting to other (previously) involved parties. This is part of the reason why TradeTracker is (also) a Controller.

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    As a merchant, can I sign TradeTracker’s addendum relating to the data processing arrangement? I am a Data Controller myself.

    TradeTracker also positions itself as a data controller, not a processor, for the purpose of the affiliate program. Under article 26 of the GDPR where two or more controllers jointly determine the purposes and means of processing, they shall be joint controllers. They shall determine their respective responsibilities for compliance with the obligations under this Regulation in a transparent manner, in particular as regards the exercising of the rights of the data subject and their respective duties to provide the information referred to in Articles 13 and 14 of the GDPR, by means of an arrangement between them.

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    As a publisher I would like TradeTracker to sign a Data Processing Agreement (DPA).

    No, this is not standard procedure since TradeTracker (also) positions itself as a data controller for the purpose of the affiliate program. The affiliate and TradeTracker are both Data Controllers, making us Joint Controllers for which parties need to agree on how to handle respective responsibilities.

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    An agency is considered to be the processor of a merchant, and the agency wants TradeTracker to sign a Data Processing Agreement (DPA). Should parties sign a DPA?

    TradeTracker is a Data Controller in respect of the affiliate program. In this case the merchant and TradeTracker are joint controllers, whereby the agency has certain obligations it needs to meet under the Data Processing Agreement it has in place with the merchant. In this case, Article 26 arrangements need to be in place between the Agency and TradeTracker and the addendum is often sufficient. If the agency insists to have (only) standard data-removal articles added to the addendum, to meet their obligations, this amendment is possible since it is a general requirement under GDPR for data to be removed upon request.

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    Should information be provided by merchants and affiliates in their privacy policies with regards to their use of TradeTracker?

    There is no need to explicitly mention the individual parties you share data with or use as (sub-) processor. However, the category of recipients needs to be specified as third parties, in which case the TradeTracker service relates to e.g. online marketing services. Customers are allowed to create their own statement or alternatively may use the following text example:

    [Merchant/Affiliate] makes use of the services of Their role is to help advertisers and publishers understand which advertisements displayed by publishers have generated which sales, leads or other actions for advertisers. This allows the advertiser to pay a publisher only when the advertisement displayed (or any alternative required action) by the publisher refers an individual to the advertiser and that individual makes a purchase. TradeTracker uses data, including cookies, to achieve this understanding. This data relates to individuals but does not identify them by name. It is pseudonymous data and relates to a single referral by an individual from one website to another, and then a confirmation that a purchase was made. 

    TradeTracker also maintains a database of references to individual’s devices, so that they can understand whether an advertisement viewed on one device, for example a phone, caused a purchase to be made by that individual on one of their other devices, for example a laptop. This database does not allow people to be identified by name, which is not possible for TradeTracker itself to achieve.

    TradeTracker does not build profiles which show an individual’s internet purchase history over a period of time. TradeTracker also does not target individuals with advertisements for products and services based on their perceived interests. Their role is simply to measure the effectiveness of specific online advertisements.

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    Can anyone opt-out for TradeTracker cookies? If yes, how?

    Yes, there is a possibility to opt-out of TradeTracker cookies. Publishers can apply the TradeTracker ‘deny-handler’ to opt-out from TradeTracker cookies.
    In addition to refusing TradeTracker cookies, under the GDPR the user must also be able to opt-out from having their personal data processed. This opt-out is possible via the cookie page on the TradeTracker domain, referred to by the merchant or publisher as indicated in their own privacy policy. This opt-out sets a functional cookie on the user’s system and avoids any tracking over cookies from the TradeTracker domain. As result the user has opted-out from TradeTracker processing personal data. The result is active until the user removes the cookie from his system or provides an opt-in. There is no alternative method for TradeTracker, or any provider using similar processes due to the nature of the business and limited scope of personal data it is involved with, to otherwise avoid users being tracked by cookies.

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    What is the difference between cookie consent and data consent?

    On one hand, cookie consent is required for placing any non-functional cookie, irrespective of whether personal data is included in such cookie. On the other hand, data consent is one of the lawful grounds to process personal data, referring to Article 6.1(a) of the GDPR. Therefore, giving consent to cookies being placed and giving consent to data being processed can be two very different things.

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    If TradeTracker applies legitimate interest as a lawful basis to process personal data, why does TradeTracker still make use of cookies for its tracking activities?

    TradeTracker does not depend on consent from the individual / data subject, due to the legitimate interest as a legal basis for processing personal data. The processing of personal data and consent for cookies however are two separate things to consider.

    For the use of cookies, consent is (usually) required under the ePrivacy Directive. Cookies placed by TradeTracker do not contain personal data, but may be considered personal themselves. Hence, they are not subject to data consent which is another legal basis for processing personal data. As per our Terms and Conditions for publishers, they are required to obtain consent for cookies. TradeTracker assumes the publisher has obtained the visitor’s consent for cookies unless TradeTracker is informed otherwise. If cookies are accepted, the tracking may occur via cookies.

    In certain countries, like the Netherlands, affiliate cookies are exempted from requiring consent as required under the current ePrivacy Directive. Hence, the explicit consent is not required for this type of cookies unless they contain personal data.

    TradeTracker makes use of cookies and other non-cookie-based tracking methods. Unless there is an explicit opt-out for the TradeTracker tracking services (under the opt-out for personal data processing), various tracking methods like fingerprint may be used since they do not require explicit consent from the user. To lawfully process the (pseudonymized) personal data in this functional “analytical tracking process”, TradeTracker applies legitimate interest as a lawful basis to do so.

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    What happens to the tracking of transactions when the individual refuses cookies to be set on the publisher domain? Can TradeTracker still track transactions based on alternative tracking methods?

    If a user explicitly opts-out of cookies and this information is adequately passed on to TradeTracker, the user expects cookies to not be set. In general, only when the user explicitly requests to opt-out from TradeTracker processing their personal data the transaction is not tracked. Alternative tracking methods are used otherwise, and transactions will generally be tracked.

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    What happens to the tracking of transactions when the individual accepts cookies to be set on the publisher domain, but subsequently refuses on the merchant domain? Can TradeTracker still track transactions based on alternative tracking methods?

    If a user explicitly opts-out of cookies and this information is adequately passed on to TradeTracker, the user expects cookies to not be set. In general, only when the user explicitly requests to opt-out from TradeTracker processing their personal data the transaction is not tracked. Alternative tracking methods are used otherwise, and transactions will generally be tracked. Users will always be able to opt-out from TradeTracker by following the appropriate process as indicated in the privacy policy.

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    In case of server-to-server tracking, does there need to be an arrangement between the merchant and TradeTracker?

    Yes, if data provided to TradeTracker is considered personal data. For example, the Order ID is considered personal data and consequently parties need to make arrangements with regards to that data. Such arrangements are provided for under the standard merchant agreement and alternatively standard GDPR-addendum.

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    The cookie consent tool facilitated by TradeTracker does not provide an option to reject cookies. Why not?

    Under the current ePrivacy Directive there is no obligation to provide a possibility to reject cookies. Instead, the website provides a well-informed consent requirement to the user. The alternative is to leave the website.

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    How long does TradeTracker store the personal data, like IP addresses or other customer and transaction data?

    TradeTracker only stores the data for as longs as is required to achieve the purpose for the particular processing of the data but removes any personal data [maximum 24 months] after the contract is terminated or after transactions are invoiced and paid out to the affiliate depending on the type of data.

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    Where is data transferred to, outside the EEA?

    Data related to the services of TradeTracker and performance of the contractual obligations between the network, merchants and affiliates are physically stored in the EU / EEA.

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    Do TradeTracker employees see the same information as merchants and affiliates? Is it sufficient to mask the last octet of the IP address in the interface to comply with GDPR?

    The TradeTracker platform is built to provide limited access to users, depending on their need to work with such information. Masking the last octet of IP-addresses is sufficient in the interfaces since it is only visible to the users operating under the contractual terms. Outside the UI the data is pseudonymized and therefore complies with GDPR. The information available to TradeTracker staff is used for fraud prevention.

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    If a consumer requests for all data related to the person to be removed, how does TradeTracker adhere to this request?

    Based on the limited personal data gathered by TradeTracker, the only information to possibly be removed is transactions data connected to an IP address. However, this can only be achieved by either receiving order IDs from the merchant, or the user sharing the IP address. The latter not being reliable due to its changing character.

    Alternatively, the user refers to personal details (like contact details) provided as an affiliate. These can be anonymized upon request or alternatively will be removed according to internal policies.

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    In the case of an affiliate transaction, who is responsible for the processing of personal data as the consumer passes from the publisher’s site to the merchant domain and also interacts with the network servers?

    As the consumer starts its journey on the publisher’s site, the publisher is responsible to safeguard the visitor’s personal data, for example, by operating under SSL protocols. This means that as the visitor continues its journey to the merchant, it passes via TradeTracker servers through secured connection. Here, TradeTracker is responsible for the adequate processing and safeguarding of the data. Subsequently, as the visitor browses the site of the merchant, it is the merchant’s responsibility to safeguard the data.

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    Which technical and organizational measures does TradeTracker have in place to safeguard data?

    Data centres and applied infrastructure are built in clusters in various regions. All data centres are online and serving customers; no data centre is “cold.” In case of failure, automated processes move customer data traffic away from the affected area. Core applications are deployed in an N+1 configuration, so that in the event of a data centre failure, there is sufficient capacity to enable traffic to be load balanced to the remaining sites. Furthermore, Processor makes use of DDOS mitigation technologies.
    Data processing locking mechanisms make sure the Data is only processed if prior processes have completed successfully. This means that integrity of the data is guaranteed.
    Personal Data is encrypted, and only selected employees have access to the processing actions of the Dat. When an employee no longer has a business need for these privileges, his or her access is immediately revoked, even if they continue to be an employee or otherwise involved with the company.
    Security audits
    Adequate review of policies and applications are executed every six months. TradeTracker is assisted by third party legal advisors to review continued compliance.
    Upon request of Controller, Processor or Data Subject, TradeTracker undertakes to provide records of any Data Subject and has devised a streamlined process to adhere to such requests in a timely manner.
    TradeTracker makes use of various monitoring and logging tools on both application and infrastructure level. All data processed through such activities is fully compliant with privacy policies.
    Individual records containing any Personal Data are stored with a ‘time to live’ (TTL) and will be removed or destroyed / anonymized at such point.
    Physical security
    Amazon Web Services (AWS) delivers a scalable cloud computing platform with high availability and dependability, providing the tools that enable AWS to run a wide range of applications.
    Among others, the following measures are adhered to by AWS: AWS data centres are housed in nondescript facilities. Physical access is strictly controlled both at the perimeter and at building ingress points by professional security staff utilizing video surveillance, intrusion detection systems, and other electronic means. Authorized staff must pass two-factor authentication a minimum of two times to access data centre floors. All visitors and contractors are required to present identification and are signed in and continually escorted by authorized staff.

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