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TradeTracker.com joins Ecommerce Europe!


Ecommerce Europe is delighted to welcome TradeTracker.com as a new Business Partner of Ecommerce Europe.  Ecommerce Europe Business Partners are the preferred suppliers of the European e-commerce industry. TradeTracker.com is the first performance marketing network to join the association which currently represents 25,000+ companies selling goods and/or services online to consumers in Europe.

Marlene ten Ham, Secretary General of Ecommerce Europe, commented:

We are thrilled to welcome TradeTracker.com as our new Business Partner. TradeTracker.com is a company that wishes to achieve maximum online results for both publishers and advertisers; we both understand the importance of the growing e-commerce sector, and we are looking forward to collaborating to achieve our mutual goals in the European context. TradeTracker.com is therefore a great addition to our already extensive Business Partner network.


Philip Keckeis, Director International Operations, describes why TradeTracker.com decided to join Ecommerce Europe:

As the go-to network for performance marketing campaigns across Europe, TradeTracker sees major benefits of being a partner to the Ecommerce Europe association. Providing a powerful source of information and a platform for members to share ideas, TradeTracker is confident it will play a significant role to achieve mutual goals.


About Ecommerce Europe

Ecommerce Europe is the association representing 25,000+ companies selling goods and/or services online to consumers in Europe. Founded by leading national e-commerce associations, Ecommerce Europe is the voice of the e-commerce sector in Europe. Its mission is to stimulate cross-border e-commerce through lobbying for better or desired policy, through offering a European platform for Europe’s e-commerce sector and other stakeholders, and by providing in-depth research data about European markets. Moreover, Ecommerce Europe provides more than 10,000 certified online companies across Europe with a European Trustmark label, with the aim of increasing consumers’ trust in cross-border purchases.


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Global Ecommerce Summit 2016

Global Ecommerce Summit 2016

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