We’re Global

TradeTracker is internationally present, and as members of the online community, we know better than anyone the internet’s ability to make national borders irrelevant.

Our global office presence helps us remain approachable and relevant to individual national markets, while also opening a network of potential international partners.

An ambition to grow has led to our presence in over 19 different countries, while we continually make plans for our next big venture.


To ensure our network retains its integrity, there are a few qualities we like our new members possess.

We’ve listed the key qualities that will assure you’re a worthy candidate to work with TradeTracker. If you can meet the expectations below, then you’re already most of the way there.

At TradeTracker we’re happy to work with any committed publisher, from early stages of development to well versed full time affiliates and enterprise level business models. In order to be a valuable publisher that any advertiser will want to partner with, you’ll want to inherit the following:

Satisfy a Need

Working towards a goal enables you to keep satisfying the needs of your visitors. Ensure you have an active site, database or other relevant channel on social media which is consistently generating new content. As you’re expanding your presence and your audience suits a set of characteristics you can continue to focus on developing the content they look for and expect to find when they pay you a visit. Only then are you able to find matching campaigns that convert. You’re an entrepreneur with a vision who sticks to his field.

A Targeted Approach

Once you’ve defined the need you’re looking to satisfy, whether this is providing relevant information to future travelers, facilitating product reviews, or providing an international product aggregator, you need to clearly go through the following steps: who are you targeting? What are you looking to communicate? Where will visitors find your content? How should your content be consumed? What is your plan to have them come back? It’s a business plan you’re putting together and it is all based on continuous and incremental development. You’re in a competitive sphere, so keep moving.

The Urge for More

Where consumer needs are continuously changing, so does the publishing climate. The constant need for content in a fast-paced environment, tapping in to new niches and opportunities, following the same steps towards success gives you the right tools to become a successful TradeTracker affiliate and online entrepreneur. Think big, professional and present your concepts as such to your visitors. They’re expecting a sleek environment based on their daily internet usage, don’t let them down.
Your professional attitude will be acknowledged, whether big or small, and you will be one of those envied publishers.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

We are a team of result driven affiliate junkies, devoted to performance and always looking to make the advertising world a better place. Reach out and learn how we can help you create a plan that pays off.