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Thank you for nominating!

Dubai, United Arab Emirates – March 30, 2016

Make your vote! Nominations for the European Performance Marketing Awards 2016 are announced.

After 10 years of rewarding innovation and excellence at the UK Performance Marketing Awards, the awards show will now have its European debut on July 4 at Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky, Amsterdam. TradeTracker is thankful and proud to announce its nomination for the Publishers’ Choice of Network or Platform for Germany, Netherlands, Spain, and Rest of Europe.

Successfully operating in performance marketing scene for more than a decade, we appreciate our publishers enjoying the TradeTracker tenets of quality, transparency, scalability, ease of use and technological excellence. With nominations in place, we hope to receive your vote!

Your commitment to TradeTracker allows us to further invest in providing you a great platform for all your performance marketing campaigns in promoting our 6,000 active programs across 19 countries. We strongly appreciate you working with TradeTracker and look forward to continuing the successful relationship.





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