Notre présence à l’international

TradeTracker est présent à l'international et étant membres de la communauté en ligne, nous savons mieux que quiconque la trivialité des frontières nationales compte tenu des capacités d'internet.

La présence mondiale de nos bureaux nous aide à rester accessibles et compétents sur chaque marché national, ouvrant par la même occasion un réseau de potentiels partenaires internationaux.

Une ambition de croître nous a mené à une présence dans 19 pays différents, tandis que nous faisons continuellement des plans pour notre nouvelle grande entreprise.

How we use cookies

Cookies are small text files saved within your user profile on your computer containing small amounts of data. This data can vary from certain website preferences to remembering your login for a certain website. This information can be accessed by your browser for ease of use when browsing.

Account cookies

Cookies used within the tradetracker domain are related to your TradeTracker account. The majority of them are needed to make your account function properly. No personal information is stored within these cookies. Below is a detailed table containing information for each cookie used primarily for the domain “”.

NameType DescriptionExpires

Tracking cookies

TradeTracker offers services which requires the tracking of traffic and performance from one website (the publisher) to the other (the merchant). As a regular online visitor, you will not be involved directly with these cookies. In order to make sure the correct website is attributed the correct statistics, TradeTracker uses cookies. Within these cookies, non-traceable and non-personal information of the visitor is stored. The refering publisher can be rewarded at a later stage for sending through traffic. A lot of services on the internet are still free of charge because these websites get rewarded for sending through traffic and the majority of internet users prefer using the internet in this manner rather than having to pay for each and every service. Below is a detailed table containing information for each tracking cookie used primarily for the domain "".

NameType DescriptionExpires

Deleting cookies

No personally identifiable information is stored within our cookies. However, if you do want to delete cookies you can do so by means of the settings in your browser. Cookies related to your TradeTracker account and analytics can be deleted by looking up cookies set on the domain. Tracking cookies are set on the domain. If you want to browse the internet in the future without having to deal with cookies, you can also consider setting up a "Private browsing" session within your browser, however you will need to login to each and every website again after you have closed that specific "Private Browsing" session. More information concerning cookies can be found here HTTP cookie.