We’re Global

TradeTracker is internationally present, and as members of the online community, we know better than anyone the internet’s ability to make national borders irrelevant.

Our global office presence helps us remain approachable and relevant to individual national markets, while also opening a network of potential international partners.

An ambition to grow has led to our presence in over 19 different countries, while we continually make plans for our next big venture.

Knowledge Centre

Understand the fundamentals to starting a campaign. Here you’ll find an information hub aimed at providing a brief introduction to affiliate marketing and TradeTracker’s platform.

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    How do I obtain a TradeTracker account?

    Speak to one of our dedicated sales representatives to highlight the numerous possibilities for getting your campaign up and running with our network. Not yet familiar with affiliate marketing? No problem! You will be guided through the basics and benefits of running a performance based campaign with TradeTracker.

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    How do I get started once I have my TradeTracker account?

    Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a beginner, your account manager will always guide you through your start-up process. With an array of commission models to choose from (CPS, CPL, CPC, CPM and more) and options to incorporate a hybrid model available, it’s all down to the correct mix of approaches so that your affiliated websites have choices when implementing a campaign.
    No Win, No Pay
    Choosing the right commission model is key in attracting the best publishers to promote your campaign. Once started, your account manager will use the appropriate communication channels to inform the publishers about your campaign. Keeping your creatives – including product feeds and offers – up to date will significantly improve your results.
    No Financial Hassle
    We take care of the invoicing and payments for your affiliates, so you can spend your time tailoring campaigns and building relationships with publishers.

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    Is the software easy to use and scalable?

    Our software is fully scalable, meaning advertisers can easily add a complete product catalogue with millions of products and have them available to thousands of affiliates. There are numerous opportunities with your account manager to guide you during the process and available to advise the best approach for your online campaign and website.
    It is also possible to oversee many kinds of promotional methods simultaneously from within the TradeTracker interface. If you need more and development is in your blood, we also provide a full-featured API system to communicate with our platform.

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    How do I start my campaign in multiple countries?

    Getting your campaign to run in multiple countries is as easy as contacting your account manager at TradeTracker, who will prepare all the necessities required to get you up and running. Your account manager will take care of the initial steps of contacting individual countries for implementation.
    You can choose whether to have one central point of contact or to work with individual account managers in each country, which can be useful in the event you have multiple employees taking care of regional marketing activities. No matter what you choose, your campaigns are manageable from one single interface, allowing you to not have multiple logins for separate territories.

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    What reporting is offered and is it real-time?

    Being able to see exactly which site or campaign is most efficient is key in extracting the best performance. Extensive and real-time reports are therefore available from within your account. At your fingertips are simple figures such as clicks, leads, conversions, to more sophisticated information of eCPC, EPC, CSR and CLR.
    These reports provide you detailed information about the performance of campaigns you are running on different levels. You are even able to extend or fully customise reports and save them for future reference.

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    What is prepayment and why should I use it?

    Prepayment enables you to pay a certain amount upfront, which is used to mark your invoices containing the affiliate commissions as paid immediately after the invoice has been generated. This will ensure fast payouts to affiliates meaning they are happy and willing to reinvest in your campaign, as opposed to your competitors who may not offer this.

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    What are product feeds and why are they so important?

    Product feeds (also called data feeds) are an export of your in-stock products. These are often generated in either XML or CSV format and can be used easily within the TradeTracker platform. We support a wide variety of existing feed types such as Google Shopping for example.
    A product feed is a highly recommended, user friendly and low maintenance tool for affiliates to generate more conversions as visitors are redirected to the dedicated product page they’re interested in.

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    Should I offer my affiliates a lot of different text links?

    Our experience tells us that text links have the highest conversion rate when compared to other promotional materials as they are easily infused with content.
    Text links can be easily used by affiliates when writing a product review or blog post. Affiliates can add a simple link to the corresponding product/service as a hyperlink in their review or article.

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    Can I share my voucher codes?

    Aside from general promotional material options, you are also able to quickly add voucher (discount) codes and consumer offers from within the interface. General discount codes can boost your campaign significantly, especially upon start-up. If you do not have voucher codes to share just yet, you can also add certain consumer offers as creatives, seeing as these are a perfect way for affiliates to promote your brand with an additional offering such as ‘free shipping’.

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    Can I offer my affiliates advanced HTML materials?

    Absolutely! HTML materials allow you to create more dynamic advertisements such as dynamic product content and search boxes. HTML advertisements have increased in popularity due to their flexibility and styling possibilities.
    Using HTML search boxes allow visitors to perform a search directly from within the affiliate site. After pressing the search button the visitor will be redirected to the search results page on the website of an advertiser.

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    So I can still offer banners?

    Even though banners in general don’t generate a similar amount of click through ratios as text links, they do absolutely add value. We currently live in a visually dominant society and this goes for affiliates and their visitors alike, so it is key to ensure your brand and products are represented aesthetically. In our experience mixing the two increases your probability of leading to a click.
    Affiliates that promote you by additionally using banners help increase your branding position. We recommend updating or renewing banner material regularly and linking to certain site categories or product specific pages, as this tends to increase the conversion ratios.

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    Do you have an API available?

    Yes we do! The application programming interface (API or Web Service) allows you to access functions and information available within the software by providing programmatic access to the data in your account. Some basic API features include: retrieving account information, campaign information, transaction information, product feed data, payment information, promotion material or a combination of these things in generating advanced custom reports or allowing you to hook-up your own statistics software amongst other things.
    Our web services are based on the SOAP protocol. This protocol is a specification for exchanging structured information through Web Services. Access to our API can easily be requested from within your account.

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    Can I get further assistance?

    For sure! With the tools TradeTracker provides, you will be able to optimise your online campaigns with ease. It is however beneficial to be regularly in touch with your account manager who has a proficient knowledge of getting the best out of your presence. He or she will optimise your co-operation with your publishers so that profitability can be ensured for both parties. Our account managers will contact you on a regular basis or you can simply contact them. The details of your account manager can be found within your interface dashboard.