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Les principales astuces pour une campagne Black Friday réussie

Black Friday Campaign

Friday, November 24 has finally arrived, Black Friday. In this article, you will find tips that can help you set up a campaign for Black Friday. Maybe you’ve already been taking care of it for a long time or haven’t had the time yet? Don’t delay, good preparation is one of the tricks.

Start preparing early
Do you remember Black Friday 2022? It fell on November 25 of that year. According to Klarna’s figures, the first hour of Black Friday was a success, with a 16% increase in purchases compared to the previous year. The growth continued throughout the day, as by 1 p.m., Belgians had already made 60% more purchases than in the same period the previous year.

To prevent your action from not being ready when Black Friday approaches, it is essential to start preparing early. For example, think about the offer now. Consumers expect good deals, so make sure you understand your target audience and can meet their expectations. The more original the action, the more likely it is to succeed. So make a tight schedule so that everything is ready in time for Black Friday.

Get inspired by previous years and other advertisers
To find inspiration, it is advisable to look at previous actions of other brands. This will allow you to see which actions have been successful and which have not. In addition, you will also be able to get ideas on the type of stocks and which stocks are performing well for similar products in your competitors. Think about how you want to implement a unique action to stand out. Learning from successes and failures, whether your own or others’, will help you make better decisions.

Keep consumers informed
As soon as you know what action will be offered, it’s a good idea to send a preview! Many people start looking for the best deals well in advance and make wish lists. If customers are informed about the actions, they will automatically have more time to decide what they want to buy. In addition, it is also advisable to send an email reminder the week before Black Friday.

Bet on Black Weekend and extend until Cyber Monday
Give your customers more time and extend the Black Friday promotion until the weekend. In this way, you can also plan several actions. Customers have more time on weekends to explore offers and make informed decisions. Also, not everyone has the opportunity to shop on Fridays, so with a Black Weekend, you increase your chances.

After Black Friday or Black Weekend, you can also continue with Cyber Monday, which falls on November 27, 2023. Cyber Monday was originally created because Black Friday initially only included physical store promotions. Entrepreneurs also wanted to offer these offers online, and that’s what they did on Monday. Today, discounts are available from Friday to Monday, giving consumers an extra day to take advantage of great discounts.

Have you ever heard of Green Friday?
Sustainability is becoming increasingly important, even for online store owners. By opting for Green Friday, you draw attention to the environment as an advertiser. In this way, you make your contribution and can, for example, donate part of the purchase amount to a sustainable cause.

Boost your campaign
Many affiliates offer additional opportunities for more visibility as Black Friday approaches. In addition to using your own newsletter and social media channels, consider purchasing an exposure package from affiliates as well. 

The importance of an action
page Another important tip is to create an action page on which all offers are clearly listed. This saves the consumer from having to look for what is and is not action. It’s also a good idea to get this page online early, so that Google has enough time to include it in the search results. Even if the offer is not yet active, you can already put a taste on the page to arouse consumer interest.

With these tips, you can make your Black Friday, Black Weekend, and maybe even Cyber Monday a great success. So start preparations now, get inspired by previous actions, send a taste to your customers, strengthen your campaign with additional visibility thanks to our affiliates, and prepare your action page. Please feel free to contact your local account manager to discuss available opportunities.


Publisher Spotlight: Black Friday Expert

Publisher Spotlight: Black Friday Expert


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