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Cinq activités amusantes pour l’automne (et les vacances)!


Are you also looking forward to the fall period or are you more excited about Halloween? Are you still looking for inspiration to spend fun time with your children, family or friends? Discover below five activities to do during the autumn holidays:

Explore thrilling amusement parks

If you’re looking for a dose of adrenaline, it’s high time to plan an exciting outing with family or friends to an amusement park!

Plopsaland De Panne is organising the “Halloween Scare Nights” from 23 October to 4 November! This year, three new blood-curdling haunted houses will be revealed, as well as two terrifying scare zones where dozens of monsters await you!

Walibi also offers a special edition for Halloween! Wander through the dark corridors of the four haunted houses and shiver through the five hair-raising terror zones. In addition, you can enjoy a Halloween show and dive into the pandemonium, a new labyrinth where you may come across the demented Ringmaster, who terrorizes anyone who dares to enter his circus. This show takes place from October 21 to November 5.

Host a Halloween Party

The autumn holidays are the perfect time to organise a fun Halloween party. A spooky night out for adults or an enchanted costume party for kids!

At HEMA, you’ll find the perfect decorations to turn your home into a spooky place, and let’s not forget the costumes! TAO Kids has a fantastic selection of Halloween costumes for kids to dress up as scary creatures. So let your creativity run wild and make Halloween a memorable one!

Take a nice fall walk

Enjoy the fresh air, listen to the rustling of the leaves beneath your feet, and admire the fall colors. Remember to wear warm clothes and boots as the weather can be unpredictable in autumn.

Buy your waterproof but also warm shoes on Sacha and brave the fall!

Prepares delicious fall recipes

Indulge your taste buds with delicious autumn recipes! It’s that time of year when we can look forward to many tasty ingredients that will serve as the basis for delicious dishes. From comforting soups to creamy stews and delicious desserts, fall offers a wide range of culinary possibilities!

If you’re looking for tasty recipes, get inspired by Foodbag and order your food box!

You can order with or without a subscription. Each week, you have 35 dishes to choose from, and they use local and seasonal products.

Create a stunning photo album

For those who prefer to be creative, and this can be done perfectly on a rainy day, create a memorable photo album! Now that summer is over, it’s the perfect time to gather all your summer memories in one photo album.

Don’t want to spend too much time on it? So, thanks to Albelli, you can create a photo album in just a few minutes!

  • After selecting your photos, the Smart Assistant automatically creates a layout of your beautiful photos.
  • It automatically removes duplicates, blurry photos, and non-sharp photos.
  • You always have the creative freedom to customize things the way you want.


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Les principales astuces pour une campagne Black Friday réussie


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