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TradeTracker er representert internasjonalt, og som medlemmer av nettsamfunnet vet vi kanskje bedre enn noen andre hvordan vi gjør landegrenser overflødig.
Vår globale tilstedeværelse gjør oss tilgjengelig og relevant på alle lokale markeder, samtidig som vi åpner opp for et nettverk av internasjonale partnere.
Våre vekstambisjoner har gjort at vi nå er tilstede i mer enn 19 land, mens vi kontinuerlig planlegger vårt neste store skritt.
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Tech jargon exists on a huge scale, an internet text book can contain such an extensive appendix list you could liken it to a medical journal’s. One term which you’re sure to have stumbled across, but may not be sure of its actual function is the affably named ‘cookies’.
Ever noticed how web advertising can sometimes follow your browsing habits? When scanning for tickets to an underground music festival, and the next few days you’ll start seeing ads for the exact same obscure event! It’s no mind-boggling coincidence, it’s actually just because you’re browsers been cookied (don’t stress, it won’t hurt you). Cookies are essentially a small technology used by your web browser to understand how you prefer to navigate online. Keeping your preferences, login information and shopping cart contents on hand for you for when return any pages.
For the purposes of Affiliate Marketing, the value in cookies is their ability to recognise a link or ad in which a visitor to a site clicks on. They include a rich ability to remember the date and time of a click, right through to the kind of websites or content in which a visitor enjoys.
Most valuable to those of us in the online advertising is the first-party cookie. This is comes into effect when a visitor ventures to a publishers page, then clicks on an advertisers creative ad, from there the browser receives the tracking cookie which captures the information of the advertiser, publisher, the specific creative ad and the commission amount. All stored information is governed by a set of data ‘parameters’ identifying which information is anonymously stored for attribution.
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