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Will 2021 be a last-minute year?

Although travelling is a bit difficult at this moment in time with Bonaire, Curacao and Aruba as minor exceptions. According to RTL News and the ANVR; people are starting to search for their summer holidays for 2021. It is expected by the beginning of next year there will not be too much of a change for travel, but bookings would increase with more clarity. Given that search behaviour is improving but bookings are still behind, it looks like 2021 will be a real last-minute year.

Summer vacation 2021

Due to Coronavirus, it is expected and predicted that there will be a lot of last-minute switching of planned holiday bookings globally, as travel restrictions are implemented and removed throughout the year. Therefore, we all need to make sure that publishers are informed and prepared as well as possible for these eventualities regarding promotions or offers available. Consumers are more than likely to be looking to go on holidays in 2021, with expected improvements in the travel industry in 2021 bookings for various holiday destinations will increase once again.

Winter sports season

Before the start of the winter sports season, it was already clear that après ski would be postponed indefinitely this year, although Austria is optimistic that the slopes can remain open over the Christmas holidays. In Italy, winter sports will not take place either this year over the Christmas period. However, people can still go out and experience the snow during this holiday season, many places have announced measures to have areas open and to allow safe winter activities. Given these developments, we are expecting a real last-minute rush of bookings, so we have made sure many of our campaigns are aimed at publishers that can help the consumers in their booking process.

Please contact your Account Manager, so we can start this period well prepared.



Sales of smartphones have fallen sharply

Sales of smartphones have fallen sharply


5 Common Conversion Killers

5 Common Conversion Killers

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