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Vores globale tilstedeværelse hjælper os med at forbliver tilgængelige og relevante for de enkelte nationale markeder, samtidig med at åbne et netværk af potentielle internationale samarbejdspartnere.

En ambition om at vokse har ført til vores tilstedeværelse i over 19 orskellige lande, mens vi hele tiden lægge planer for vores næste store projekt.


[vc_headerbanner main_heading="KAMPAGNER" description="Se listen over tilgængelige kampagner, som TradeTracker kan tilbyde. Der er en række kampagner på tværs af en række forskellige lande, som venter på at blive introduceret for dit websted. Gennemgå kampagnebeskrivelsen og ansøg straks for at begynde at annoncere!" heading_container_class="static-page-campaigns-text"]

Molecaten DK

molecaten dk Molecaten is a family business with 18 campsites/holiday parks in the Netherlands and one holiday
park in Hungary. With approximately 70,000 arrivals a year. Molecaten offers its diversity of holiday
spots under the themes 'Seaside holidays', 'Nature holidays' and 'Water sports & fun holidays'.
Molecaten is loved by a large group of families with small children and couples of all ages. Also
families with children over 12 have a great time at Molecaten. At a whole number of campsites /
holiday parks we offer activities for teenagers!

Type of accommodation

1. Camping pitches for staying with your own caravan, camper van or tent
2. Camping cabins: accommodation with real beds, toilet and kitchen with even a dishwasher!
Guests have to use the sanitary facilities of the campsite to shower.
3. Equipped tents:
a) accommodation with real beds and cooking facilities. Guests use sanitary facilities in the
b) luxury accommodations with real beds, complete kitchen with dishwasher and full
bathroom (Glamping).
4. Mobile homes
5. Chalets
6. Holiday homes
7. Group accommodations
8. Beach houses

Why people choose a Molecaten holiday

• the atmosphere of a family business
• Molecaten has been around for more than 50 years; reliable!
• exceptionally beautiful location with lots to do for the action lover
• children's/nature activities in the categories: kids, family, 11+ and sports
• attractive and correctly priced and interesting benefit offers:
No last-minute offers, but benefits for those who decide quickly!
• flexible booking outside the school holidays
• guests experience our staff as very attentive, correct and friendly

The Recron conditions apply to a reservation with Molecaten. All information about the campsites
and holiday parks can be found at

Commission for booking camping pitches & rental accommodations
by 1 January 2025

• Booking with arrival in low season: 8% commission
• Booking with arrival in high season*: 3% commission
Arrival date determines the amount of the commission.
Bookings outside the high season are rewarded extra.

* High season periods for accommodation types 1 to 7 (see Type of accommodation)
School holidays and public holidays 2025
• Spring break 14 February – 3 March
• Easter weekend 18 - 22 April
• May holidays 25 April - 6 May
• Ascension weekend 28 May - 2 June
• Whitsun weekend 6 - 10 June
• Fronleichnam 18 - 23 June (public holiday in Germany)
• Summer holidays 4 July - 1 September
• Autumn holidays 10 – 27 October
• Christmas holidays 19 December - 5 January 2026

* High season periods for accommodation type 8 (= Beach houses)
• All year round