We’re Global

TradeTracker is internationally present, and as members of the online community, we know better than anyone the internet’s ability to make national borders irrelevant.

Our global office presence helps us remain approachable and relevant to individual national markets, while also opening a network of potential international partners.

An ambition to grow has led to our presence in over 19 different countries, while we continually make plans for our next big venture.


Understand the fundamentals to starting a campaign. Here you’ll find an information hub aimed at providing a brief introduction to affiliate marketing and TradeTracker’s platform.

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    How do I obtain a TradeTracker account?

    Signing up for a publisher account is free. Once registered, your site will be assessed by one of our publisher managers for approval, after you’ve been approved you can start promoting your choice of advertisers immediately. Get started now and  create a publisher account.

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    How do I start monetising my content?

    Our affiliate marketing platform provides you the tools to place content from well-known brands on your website. The platform enables you to monitor the performance and effectiveness of the implemented promotional materials in detail, with extensive reporting features allowing you to react and further optimise your online efforts.

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    How often do I get paid?

    We understand that to have and maintain a top-notch website you require some financial support. That’s why TradeTracker will pay out your commission up to 4 times a month. It’s even possible to apply for our Super Fast Payment solution, which will make commissions payable within hours of a transactions approval.
    As an affiliate you are in full control of your payments and you may change your payout frequency whenever you like accordingly.
    When you have set your payouts monthly your payment notice is generated on the 1st of each month.
    Twice a month
    Setting your payout to twice a month will render a payment notice on the 7th and 21st of each month.
    Four times a month
    Selecting a payout frequency of four times a month means that your payment notices will be generated on the 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th of each month.
    If needed, you can place pause payouts by enabling the “On-hold” option. You may also increase the minimum payout amount to throttle transfers.
    Payments will be made shortly after payment notices are generated and can either be conveniently done by PayPal or a wired transfer.

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    What is Super Fast Payment?

    Alongside our payout frequency of up to four times a month, you might also be eligible for our unique ‘Super Fast Payment’ procedure which will make commission’s payable within hours of the transactions approval. You can discuss this feature in-depth with your account manager.

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    How do apply for multiple countries?

    If you’re interested in running advertisers on your site from multiple countries you may add your site to another TradeTracker territory from your affiliate interface. Simply navigate to Account -> My sites and click the “Add new site” link. You may then choose the additional territory you want to apply your site.
    Once your application has been approved you are able to manage your activities for that territory by choosing it from the country dropdown at the top of the interface.

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    Do I have the possibility to customise my tracking?

    Yes you do! Aside from our advanced technologies in registering conversions, we have additional customisable functions available for you to configure. For example, you are able to attach a unique reference (or subid) to your link or provide a call-back location from within the interface so that conversions will be forwarded to your own statistics server. It’s even possible on request to place a third party tracking tag.

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    Do you have an API available?

    Yes we do! The application programming interface (API or Web Service) allows you to access functions and information available within the software by providing programmatic access to the data in your account. Some basic API features include: retrieving account information, campaign information, transaction information, product feed data, payment information, promotion material or a combination of these things in generating advanced custom reports or allowing you to hook-up your own statistics software amongst other things.
    Our web services are based on the SOAP protocol. This protocol is a specification for exchanging structured information through Web Services. Access to our API can easily be requested from within your account.

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    What creatives are offered?

    You may choose from a wide array of creatives to place on your site such as text links, banners, product feeds, widgets and voucher/discount codes. For banners you can set up a rotator which will optimise itself automatically based on key metrics you supply, such as EPC.

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    What can I do with ‘Page Tools’?

    As an affiliate you will have access to TradeTracker Page Tools. These set of tools will enable you to quickly manage content on your sites from within the TradeTracker interface.
    You can simply toggle the visibility of functions such as widgets (comparison tools) and our Link Replacer, which is the perfect tool for automatically generating outgoing tracking links to advertisers.

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    What are Widgets?

    Widgets are modules containing dynamically generated content which can be added to your website by placing a simple piece of code. The result is a sophisticated travel search engine, or a tool in which fashion items can be compared.
    All these widgets can be managed from the Page Tools section in the affiliate interface.

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    Can I get more help?

    Of course! By aiming to supply the best affiliate software interface available today. When we focused on ease of use, we created something that helps our customer avoid any confusion. However, in a fast moving environment such as the internet, questions are bound to come up. Luckily, there is a team of skilled industry professionals available waiting to help when you get stuck.