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Real Attribution Insights: The Custom Attribution Model

Advertisers starting with TradeTracker’s Real Attribution have the possibility to choose between a variety of models. Five out of the total of six attribution models reward touchpoints based on their position of the path, while the custom model allows for other factors to be considered. In this version of “Insights” we will dive into this custom model and elaborate on the customisation possibilities and the effects of this custom model.

Within Custom models advertisers can share their commission based on three different elements: the Position of the touchpoint, the Site type of the publisher who generated the touchpoint and the market segment of the publisher which generated the touch point. The calculation of the commission is set up in a way that every element is calculated by granting each element with a specific percentage of the commission. This is then distributed according to the distribution model chosen for that element. If advertisers decide to include exceptions into any model, the model will also be seen as a customised model.

Real Attribution - Custom Model in detail

Why advertisers choose a custom model

So far around 50% of the campaigns running with Real Attribution are active with a custom model. The reason for the majority choosing the custom model is that it gives them an additional way (next to the position of the touchpoint) of rewarding publishers for the value where the advertiser would like to see the added value.

Site Type & Market segment element effects

The effects of custom models in which advertisers add additional weight to specific site types or market segment is significant. Some noticeable examples:

– Advertisers who put a lot of emphasis on Bloggers in their site type element have noticed an increase of 40% in traffic from Bloggers;
– Advertisers which set a relatively high weight for Comparison sites experience improved advertiser’s positions among their listings and due to the increased eCPC values the number of transactions have increased two fold and more;
– Large retail campaigns setting specific high weights to publisher market segments matching their product categories, like Fashion, Electronics, Health & Beauty and Baby & Kids, noticed increased placements from publishers within these market segments.

Effects of Exceptions

Within the Custom Attribution model setting an exception to the model is an additional possibility. With the two possible exceptions, the advertiser can choose to either:

– Exclude an affiliate from being rewarded within the conversion path;
– Give a publisher (group) a fixed fee if it has the last touchpoint.

Advertisers use the first exception when integrating their direct CPC and CPM partners within their Real Attribution setup. During the initial phase of the integration, they set a no-attribution exception for these affiliates to see their role, and their impac t on the conversion paths. During
the second phase, they start moving the CPC/CPM commissions to CPA by removing the exception and paying these publishers on a performance basis as well.

You may read the detailed PDF document here.


Real Attribution Insights: Changing consumer behavior

Real Attribution Insights: Changing consumer behavior


TradeTracker to appear at PI:Live 2017

TradeTracker to appear at PI:Live 2017

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