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TradeTracker est présent à l'international et étant membres de la communauté en ligne, nous savons mieux que quiconque la trivialité des frontières nationales compte tenu des capacités d'internet.

La présence mondiale de nos bureaux nous aide à rester accessibles et compétents sur chaque marché national, ouvrant par la même occasion un réseau de potentiels partenaires internationaux.

Une ambition de croître nous a mené à une présence dans 19 pays différents, tandis que nous faisons continuellement des plans pour notre nouvelle grande entreprise.


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Back to all blogs lance le Real Attribution launches Real Attribution, a first in the allocation of the affiliate marketing lever.

Dubai, 30 May 2017

Pay for all touchpoints
Just over six months ago, the launch of Conversion Path Tracking took over the market by making advertisers more transparent about their campaigns. Not only affiliate channels, but some exclusive channels included, have provided insights into how affiliates interact in the conversion path. Advertisers can now reward all publishers involved in the customer journey. Assign the commission if they initiate, assist, or convert. Five robust attribution models and a customizable solution give advertisers the power to weigh the things that matter, optimize results in more inspired and engaging campaigns, and reward publishers appropriately.

The need for the native and the content
Advertisers are increasingly looking for relevant publishers to create new content. Campaigns with modeled attribution see a huge increase in activity from these types of performance-based publishers, resulting in a significant increase in performance and revenue. CEO Paul van Doorn emphasizes: “The ability to automatically allocate commission to publishers based on their added value is a revolution in our industry. This is changing the way affiliate marketing is done and opening doors for the majority of publishers who are now neglected. Real Attribution allows the commission model to be tailored to campaign objectives, including display and exclusive channels.”

All performance media
Media affiliates strive for optimal results per visitor, and for them, attribution fulfills their need to always generate revenue. Impressions or post-view campaigns can be neatly integrated with commission models, which provide the solution to their eCPM under constant pressure. This allows these publishers to dedicate media space and inventory to these campaigns. This opens doors for renewed cooperation with the largest publishers who, until now, have only worked on the CPM, CPC or fixed fee commission models.

TradeTracker brings together the best in the online community, working together towards the goal of improving their performance marketing. Providing a network for Advertisers and Publishers, TradeTracker hosts a platform offering real-time, understandable data to strengthen their customers’ online sales results. Currently, the company operates offices in 16 countries and employs more than 160 people, has the widest European coverage and is the only Western network operated in MENA. TradeTracker has designed its software with the user in mind, ensuring a consistent, intuitive, and transparent platform.

Visit for more information and join the revolution! 


Nouveau Directeur Général de TradeTracker Belgique

Nouveau Directeur Général de TradeTracker Belgique


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