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11.11 Singles Day

11.11 - Singles Day TradeTracker

Singles Day is one of the greatest online discount events and a popular holiday that has come over from China. At Alibaba (Ali Express) Singles Day was held for the tenth time this year and again it broke all records. A turnover of 1 billion dollars was realised within 85 seconds from the start. Ultimately Ali Express ended this day with a turnover of no less than 31 billion dollars.

Singles Day is also gaining popularity outside of China. TradeTracker, and an increasing number of webshops, are engaged in these international sales days and are actively pushing interesting offers which have benefited from TradeTracker’s Singles-Day affiliate marketing endeavours.

For Ali Express, TradeTracker has made a significant contribution to the discounting event in the countries in which it operates. TradeTracker is proud to announce that compared to 2017 a growth of 100% on sales transactions via the affiliate channel has been achieved!

After the overwhelming success of Singles Day, TradeTracker is getting ready for the most important period of the year for retail: Cyber Weekend! If you have any questions and/or wishes regarding Cyber Weekend, please contact your Account Manager to discuss the possibilities.

The expectation is that, just like Singles Day, Cyber Weekend will break all records this year as well, as an advertiser you can benefit from this.


TradeTracker tog hem pris på IPMA

TradeTracker tog hem pris på IPMA


TradeTracker continues its global expansion into Argentina

TradeTracker continues its global expansion into Argentina

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