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TradeTracker continues its global expansion into Argentina

TradeTracker is continuously growing at a fast pace as part of its global expansion plan. With operations delivering outstanding results for advertisers and affiliates in all existing markets – and the introduction of a Real-Attribution model – the time has come to enter the third Latin-American country, Argentina. The new office will serve its products to advertisers and affiliates from Buenos Aires, starting on the 26th of November.

The expansion has led to TradeTracker currently providing its cutting-edge services to numerous markets around the world, having the widest coverage of all affiliate networks in Europe. Simultaneous to its European market take-over, it is also expanding globally to 4 continents and 24 offices. The network opens its doors with programs for top brands such as TomTop, Zaful, Naturgy, Quilmes and Aliexpress.

Start of Argentina
Country Manager for TradeTracker Argentina, Ted Vendramin, states: “It is a great pleasure to be able to offer services in Argentina with the international, transparent and effective services of TradeTracker. Launching a full and transparent first-class solution for performance marketing, we expect to provide both publishers and customers with personalized attention – and generate greater profitability. We expect to change the digital landscape with our Real-Attribution functionality, helping merchants understand the journey of their users and publishers to be rewarded for their real contribution of each sale.”

Philip Keckeis, Director of International Operations, continues: “Argentina plays an important role in Latin America and the market is consistently developing at rapid pace. We’ve now confirmed the need for a professional and transparent performance marketing network – and with attribution taking a more prominent role in the plans of brands, TradeTracker is an excellent partner which is now offering its services in this great country.”


11.11 Singles Day

11.11 Singles Day


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Singles Day bjöd på nya rekordresultat

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