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TradeTracker shortlisted for multiple entries in 2018 IPMA’s

Post Twitter Ipma Best Full Service Affiliate Network@2x 1

TradeTracker is pleased to announce we have been shortlisted for 6 entries in the 2018 International Performance Marketing Awards. Categories include “Best Full Service Network” and “Best Performance Marketing Technology” as well as regional entries spanning the globe.

2018 has seen TradeTracker grow around the world, with new markets allowing us to operate a truly borderless e-commerce experience for the advertisers that choose us above the rest. Utilising technologies such as Real Attribution has allowed advertisers to see the use of performance marketing on a scale that has allowed them realise their maximum potential in the channel.

TradeTracker has been shortlisted for the following awards:

– TradeTracker: Best performance marketing technology
– TradeTracker:  Best full service affiliate network
– TradeTracker & TUI: Best managed affiliate programme Western Europe
– TradeTracker & Transavia: Best performance marketing campaign or strategy
– TradeTracker & Sun and Sand Sports: Best managed performance campaign MENA
– TradeTracker & Harman Kardon: Best global performance marketing campaign or strategy

By joining the shortlist for multiple entries, TradeTracker is showing that our technology and approach to the channel is one that continues to work not only for the industry, but for the thousands of advertisers that choose us as their choice of performance marketing partner.

 About the awards
Running since 2007, the Performance Marketing Awards has grown to become one of the largest awards ceremonies for the industry around the world.

The awards recognise the success of the industry over the past 12 months and will announce the winners on the 15th of October, 2018 at the ceremony in London. You can find out more by visiting their site here.


Real Attribution Insights: The Custom Attribution Model

Real Attribution Insights: The Custom Attribution Model


Success for TradeTracker på IPMA

Success for TradeTracker på IPMA

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